Sometimes, I spend the afternoon with my youngest granddaughter, Remy. We like to craft together, but we don’t always have a plan before we start. That’s one of the reasons my craft room is full of random crafting tools and supplies. Today we decided to use wood.
Remy—the daughter of two photographer/graphic designers—has inherited all the creativity of her parents and grandparents (both Jeff and I are also artists). She decided to make a jewelry stand for her bedroom. I opted to make a couple of candle holders.

My wooden candle holders comprise two, 2″ blocks and a wooden candlestick cup for each. I used wood glue and hot glue together to secure the three pieces on each one. After painting them with a mixture of Linen and Wicker White craft paint, I made little birds using a silicone mold and hot glue, attached them with a bit more hot glue and painted the whole thing again.
Crafting with my granddaughter is one of the highlights of my week. Another is teaching her, her brother, and her parents the Hebrew language. So much fun. So much family!